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Unlocking History: WW&L’s “Opening the Vault” Campaign

In the heart of Fort Smith, Arkansas, a legacy of innovation, craftsmanship, and evolution lives inside an unassuming brick building at the corner of North A St. For 125 years, Weldon, Williams and Lick (WW&L) has been the bedrock of quality printing, technologically advanced ticketing, and access control solutions. As part of celebrating this incredible milestone, WW&L is embarking on a year-long campaign, “Opening the Vault,” offering an exclusive glimpse into the hidden treasures within its historical walls.

“Opening the Vault” promises to be a journey back in time, offering a chance to rediscover some of the most unique and noteworthy tickets ever printed by WW&L. These tickets not only serve as a testament to our company’s impeccable craftsmanship but also bear witness to the myriad events that have shaped WW&L’s vibrant history.

The Time Capsule 

The campaign will include a curated selection of tickets from our archives shared across our social media channels. These tickets are like time capsules, offering a snapshot of the eras from which they hail. From elaborate, security-conscious designs for the Super Bowl to simple, functional tickets for community events, each piece tells a story.

One such gem is a ticket from the 2000 Sydney Summer Olympics. This piece not only served as a gateway to a globally celebrated event but also provided a unique memento for attendees. This ticket includes one of WW&L’s staple security features – can you spot it?

Another notable ticket comes from the early 1900s: The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. While this ticket may not have all of the fancy security features WW&L is known for, it was key in establishing the importance of access control.

A Call to Remember

As we step into the 125th year of WW&L, we’d like to take the time to reflect on the profound impact this company has had on the global sports and entertainment marketplace. The tickets we’ve printed over the decades are so much more than just pieces of paper. Today they serve as symbols of unity, celebration, and community spirit.

“Opening the Vault” is an invitation to witness the evolution of design, and to honor the stories behind each ticket. It’s a reminder that behind every print, there’s a piece of WW&L’s history waiting to be rediscovered.
