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Meet the Online Parking Solution Drivers Love

online parking solution

Say goodbye to long lines at the parking office and hello to a convenient online parking solution.

When was the last time you looked forward to waiting in line for a parking pass? Most likely, the answer is never. Still, that’s what students, employees, and patrons do year after year, but things are about to change. There’s a new online permit solution available, and it’s going to revolutionize the parking industry as you know it.

Parking Management Software Made Simple

Once upon a time, organizations had to process parking decal orders in person—and customers often left empty-handed. All too often, the patron still had to wait for someone else to approve, print, fulfill, and mail their pass. Now imagine a world where customers could do it all from the comfort of their own homes. Advancements in technology have made this dream a real possibility.

How does it work? Instead of going to the parking office, patrons visit a website, type in their information, and order a hangtag. Once the system approves the request, the pass gets shipped directly to their doorstep within 48 hours. Yes, it’s really that simple. But that’s just the beginning. Switching to online parking fulfillment will enhance your brand and improve the customer experience in countless ways.

Discover these undeniable benefits of online parking passes:

1. Eliminate Long Lines at the Parking Department

Obtaining a vehicle decal used to take hours. Students or staff would fill out an application and take it to the parking office. The front desk staff would then review the form to ensure the applicant filled out every space correctly. If they found any errors, they would send the requester back to the end of the line. The never-ending process would then repeat every semester, season, or year.

Online parking fulfillment is a game-changer. It eliminates long lines at the parking department and ensures patrons receive their hangtags on time. Fully contactless transactions even allow for social distancing.

2. Reduce Overhead Costs with Online Parking Fulfillment

Most venues run on a tight budget. There’s usually no wiggle room to hire extra parking staff during peak seasons. And even if you can afford more workers, you still have to find the time and resources to train them. Do you really want to do that year after year?

Implementing an automated parking service would save your organization money. You don’t have to buy tons of office supplies or worry about finding a room large enough to store huge boxes full of hangtags. Instead of your employees approving applications, printing permits, and shipping orders, the entire process happens offsite. Fulfillment begins as soon as customers submit their orders for review.

3. Increase Accuracy with High-Security Parking Solutions

Constantly approving applications and passing out decals is a tedious process. It’s also boring. This type of monotony can lead to unintentional oversights. Mistakes even happen to the best employees. But the last thing you want is for a parking permit to end up in the wrong hands. Switching to a fully automated parking solution reduces this risk.

Handling every aspect of the ordering process online improves accuracy. Applicants must fill out forms entirely before the computer accepts them. Direct fulfillment also ensures the right permits make it to the intended customer.

4. Generate More Revenue with Online Parking

Whenever a student purchases a parking permit, the fee typically covers the printing cost. It wasn’t until online fulfillment entered the picture that venues found another way to generate money—sponsorships!

Mailed decals arrive with a letter and perhaps a campus map. But you can also include coupons from local businesses as marketing collateral. Why would someone want to purchase ad space in a parking permit package? Consider this: Parking sticker envelopes have a 100% open rate. There’s no way a customer will overlook the inserted coupon. Everyone wins!

5. Level-Up the Customer Experience with Automated Parking Management

Loyal customers support your organization day in and day out. They deserve the best service at all times. It seems counterintuitive to ask them to stand in a long line just to get a parking pass. Automated parking decal ordering is one way to show your gratitude.

Parking management software is user-friendly and highly intuitive. Even those with limited computer knowledge will be able to navigate the platform. Giving patrons the freedom to purchase their decals from their own homes elevates their experience. Online ordering also improves their overall perception of your brand. And remember—happy customers turn into repeat customers.

Is This Car Park Management Solution Too Good to Be True?

Online parking decal ordering and fulfillment sounds like the perfect solution. It benefits your organization, the customer, and potential sponsors. But does this concept exist in real life, or is it just fantasy? You’ll be happy to learn that you can indeed add online parking fulfillment to your organization.

It’s time to discover Permit Direct. This service is an exclusive partnership between WW&L and T2 Systems, a leading parking management software provider.

Proven Parking Solutions from the Parking Experts

Permit Direct is WW&L’s answer to streamlined parking decal distribution. This revolutionary automated system lets your patrons buy hangtags, permits, and stickers from a dedicated website. All requests route to us, where our expert team handles printing, fulfillment, and shipping under one roof.

How do we make it work?

An account manager will start the process for you. We’ll explain design ideas and help you select the best enhancements to make your decals pop. After receiving the final approval, we’ll produce and store your permits. Whenever an order arrives, we’ll verify the barcode, scan the package, and ship it directly to the customer. You can count on our dedicated team to be there during every step, from concept to completion.

Why should you trust WW&L with your parking needs?

We have over 120 years of hands-on experience in the parking industry. Our expertise ensures we match you with the best products to meet your venue’s needs. As an end-to-end solution, you can count on us to provide white-glove service and high-quality consumables—guaranteed.

Want to give your parking department a much-deserved break?

Get in touch with us to take advantage of our online parking solution.
